Abiodun, Ayodeji
Fault Diagnosis and Severity Estimation in Nuclear Power Plants
Adams, Douglas
Concrete Structural Health Monitoring in Nuclear Power Plants
Adams, Julie A.
Design Themes for Future Hybrid Nuclear Power Plant Control Rooms
Adams, Susan S.
Enhancing Power Plant Safety through Simulated Cyber Events
Agarwal, Vivek
Assessment of Dynamic PRA Techniques with Industry-Average Component Performance Data
Concrete Structural Health Monitoring in Nuclear Power Plants
Automated Work Package: Capabilities of the Future
Aggarwal, Rachit
Task Allocation in Geo-Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems
Ahmed, Ibrahim
Development of a Transient Signal Validation Technique via a Modified Kernel Regression Model
Ahn, Myunghoon
Aizpurua, Jose Ignacio
Determining Appropriate Data Analytics for Transformer Health Monitoring
Alamaniotis, Miltiadis
Development of Human Machine Interface (HMI) for Digital Control Rooms in Nuclear Power Plants
Allen, Jonathan L.
Electric Actuator Modification on a Turbine Driven Feedpump at Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant
Allen, Phil
Al-Rashdan, Ahmad
Automated Work Package: Capabilities of the Future
Alvarado, Rossnyev
Alyaev, I. V.
Wide-Range Fission Chambers Signal Simulator
Ampofo, Bismark
Determining Appropriate Data Analytics for Transformer Health Monitoring
An, Yongkyu
Anders, Shilo
Ontology to Guide Scenario Design to Evaluate New Technologies for Control Room Modernization
Design Themes for Future Hybrid Nuclear Power Plant Control Rooms
Andrashov, Anton
Certification of RadICS FPGA-Based Platform under U.S. NRC Requirements
Anheier, Jr., N. C.
Assessment of Sensor Technologies for Advanced Reactors
Anokhin, Alexey
Multi-Layered Adaptive Human-Machine Interface to Support NPP Operators
Formalization of the Functional Analysis Methodology to Improve NPP I&C System Design Process
Archinoff, Glenn
How Systems Engineering and Human Factors Can Assist SMR Vendors with the Licensing Process
Arda, Samet E.
Simulation and Control of a Passively Cooled Small Modular Reactor
Arndt, Steven A.
Arneson, Scott
Cyber Security Using Multi-Threaded Architecture Data Diode at the NBSR
Atkinson, K. D.
Reactor Operator-in-the-Loop Dynamic Modelling
A Multi-Mode State-Space Dynamic Model for Pyrofusion Neutron Sources
Identification and System Parameter Estimation Methods for a Pyrofusion Neutron Source
Aytug, Tolga
Babeshko, Eugene
Diversity for Safety and Security of NPP I&C: Post NUREG/CR 7007 Stage
Bach, Julien
Computer Security Approach for Rolls-Royce SPINLINE® Safety Platform
Back, Ju Hyun
Identification of NPP Transients Using Artificial Intelligence
Baisch, Jonathan E.
Common Cause Failure (CCF): A Path to Quantitative Success
Common Cause Failure (CCF): A Path to Quantitative Success
Bajramovic, Edita
Bakhmach, Ievgenii
Certification of RadICS FPGA-Based Platform under U.S. NRC Requirements
Bakhtiari, S.
Assessment of Sensor Technologies for Advanced Reactors
Bakker, Tim
Virtualized Hardware Environments for Supporting Digital I&C Verification
Toward Biologically Inspired Self Healing Digital Embedded Devices: BIO-SymPle)
Bari, Robert A.
Construction of a Cyber Attack Progression Model for Nuclear Power Plants
Barnes, Patricia L.
Qualified Display System Architecture
Batyunin, A. V.
Test Facility for Fission Chamber Assemblies
Bean, Robert
Development of Human Machine Interface (HMI) for Digital Control Rooms in Nuclear Power Plants
Bergroth, Joakim
Use of Immersive 3D Virtual Reality Environments in Control Room Validations
Berry, Craig
Bilgunde, Prathamesh N.
Bily, T.
Reactor Operator-in-the-Loop Dynamic Modelling
Bisson, Richard
Power Peaking with Small Modular Reactors to Support Deep Penetration of Renewable Energy Sources
Black, R. Steven
Improving Nuclear Power Plant Safety and Operating Margins through Linear Quadratic Estimation
Blanchard, D.
Graded Approach for Assessing Digital System Failure Susceptibilities
Blinn, Ryan S.
Electric Actuator Modification on a Turbine Driven Feedpump at Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant
Bloomfield, Robin
Security-Informed Safety: Integrating Security within the Safety Demonstration of a Smart Device
Bly, Aaron
Utilizing the SACADA System to Collect Simulator Training Data to Inform Human Reliability Analyses
Providing Plant Data Analytics Through a Seamless Digital Environment
Implementing Computer-Based Procedures: Thinking Outside the Paper Margins
Bockhorst, Richard
Bond, Leonard J.
Bonebrake, Chris
Integration and Assessment of Component Health Prognostics in Supervisory Control Systems
Bonner, Jim M.
Electric Actuator Modification on a Turbine Driven Feedpump at Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant
Boring, R. L.
Computerized Operator Support System and Human Performance in the Control Room
Ensuring Operator Reliability in Digital Control Rooms
Boring, Samuel
Robust Online Monitoring for Calibration Assessment of Transmitters and Instrumentation
On-Line Monitoring to Detect Sensor and Process Degradation under Normal Operational Transients
Botchler, Juergen
Braarud, Per Oivind
Bragg-Sittion, Shannon M.
Control Strategies for Coupling Thermal Energy Storage Systems with Small Modular Reactors
Brezhniev, Ievgen
Bringaud, Violaine
Britton, Charles
A Novel Technique Applying Spectral Estimation to Johnson Noise Thermometry
Britton, Jr., C. L.
Assessment of Sensor Technologies for Advanced Reactors
Burzynski, Mark
Computer Security Approach for Rolls-Royce SPINLINE® Safety Platform
Impacts of Common Cause Failure Regulatory Requirements on Protection System Architectures
Butler, Eoin
Security-Informed Safety: Integrating Security within the Safety Demonstration of a Smart Device
Safety Demonstration of a Class 1 Smart Device
Byon, Young-Ji
Eye Tracking Studies based on Attentional-Resource Effectiveness
Cammi, Antonio
Reduced Order Methods for the Improvement of Control-Oriented Modelling of Nuclear Power Plants
Carpenter, David
Upcoming Irradiation of Ultrasonic and Fiber Optic Sensors in the MITR
Carvajal, Jorge V.
Catterson, Victoria M.
Determining Appropriate Data Analytics for Transformer Health Monitoring
Caylor, S. D.
Online Monitoring of Rod Control Systems in Combustion Engineering Pressurized Water Reactors
Cetiner, M. Sacit
Control Systems for a Dynamic Multi-Physics Model of a Nuclear Hybrid Energy System
Operational Performance Risk Assessment in Support of a Supervisory Control System
Integration and Assessment of Component Health Prognostics in Supervisory Control Systems
Chae, Young Ho
Study on the Assessment Method for Human Error Probabilities in the Digitalized Main Control Room
Chang, Y. James
Utilizing the SACADA System to Collect Simulator Training Data to Inform Human Reliability Analyses
Chapman, J. A.
Classification and Imaging of Spent Nuclear Fuel Dry Casks Using Cosmic Ray Muons
Chatzidakis, S.
Classification and Imaging of Spent Nuclear Fuel Dry Casks Using Cosmic Ray Muons
Chen, Daniel
Chen, Kevin
Upcoming Irradiation of Ultrasonic and Fiber Optic Sensors in the MITR
Chen, Yixue
Cheng, Tsung-Chieh
Design and Implementation of Wearable Devices in Machine Tools Monitoring System
Cheriaux, François
Development of a New IEC Standard for HDL-Programmed Devices Performing Category B or C Functions
Chernyaev, Alexey
Multi-Layered Adaptive Human-Machine Interface to Support NPP Operators
Formalization of the Functional Analysis Methodology to Improve NPP I&C System Design Process
Chien, H. T.
Assessment of Sensor Technologies for Advanced Reactors
Cho, Chung-Suk
Eye Tracking Studies based on Attentional-Resource Effectiveness
Cho, Jaehyun
Test Based Reliability Assessment Method for a Safety Critical Software in Reactor Protection System
Choi, Byung-Seon
Augmented Reality System for Remote Operation
Choi, C. K.
Classification and Imaging of Spent Nuclear Fuel Dry Casks Using Cosmic Ray Muons
Choi, Goen Pil
Estimation of LOCA Break Size Using Cascaded Support Vector Regression
Choi, Moon Kyoung
Choi, Sunyeong
Design and Implementation of HuREX Analysis Supporting Interface
Chu, Tsong-Lun
Coble, Jamie B.
Robust Online Monitoring for Calibration Assessment of Transmitters and Instrumentation
Power Peaking with Small Modular Reactors to Support Deep Penetration of Renewable Energy Sources
Identifying Requisite Changes to Support Modern Maintenance Practices
On-Line Monitoring to Detect Sensor and Process Degradation under Normal Operational Transients
Bayesian Inference for High Confidence Signal Validation and Sensor Calibration Assessment
A Dynamic Model of Once Through Steam Generator (OTSG) for Prototypical Advanced Reactor
Integrating Human Factors Issues into Critical Portable Detection Usage
Improving the Cross Correlation Method of Indirect Flow Measurement by Water Injection and Modeling
Cole, Daniel G.
Real-Time Supervisory Control Implementation of SmAHTR Power Plant
A Large Scale System Approach for Stability Analysis of Multi-Unit SMR Plants
Real-Time Fault Detection and Transient Identification Using Extended Kalman Filters
Collinger, John
A Large Scale System Approach for Stability Analysis of Multi-Unit SMR Plants
Corrales, Cristina
A Structured Data Model Frame for Human Factors Application
A New APDS Approach—Alarm Processing Based on Alarm Prioritization
Application of HFE to the Design and V&V of a Computerized Procedure System: Benefits and Challenges
BWR Modernization Project: Installation of a New Digital Feedwater Control System
Couix, Stanislas
Crane, Zachary
Electromagnetic Compatibility Qualification of Power Electronics for I&C Power Applications
Crepeau, John C.
Croft, S.
Classification and Imaging of Spent Nuclear Fuel Dry Casks Using Cosmic Ray Muons
Cross, James G.
Determining Appropriate Data Analytics for Transformer Health Monitoring
D’Agostino, Amy
Workload Response to Soft Controls Presented on Two Interfaces
D’Angelo, Christopher J.
A Large Scale System Approach for Stability Analysis of Multi-Unit SMR Plants
Dadashi, Yasamin
How Systems Engineering and Human Factors Can Assist SMR Vendors with the Licensing Process
Daniels, Maxwell J.
Dan-rong, Song
The Study on Overall I&C System Scheme for Floating Nuclear Power Plant ACP100S and ACP25S
Darbyshire, A. M.
Reactor Operator-in-the-Loop Dynamic Modelling
A Multi-Mode State-Space Dynamic Model for Pyrofusion Neutron Sources
Identification and System Parameter Estimation Methods for a Pyrofusion Neutron Source
Daumas, Frédéric
Development of a New IEC Standard for HDL-Programmed Devices Performing Category B or C Functions
Davis, Kurt L.
Davis, Sarah
Daw, Joshua
Upcoming Irradiation of Ultrasonic and Fiber Optic Sensors in the MITR
Dawson, Lon A.
Dynamic Attack Surfaces in Nuclear Power Plants
De La Garza, Cecilia
Dehouck, Aurélie
Modelling I&C Systems with Relays for Simulation, Adapting CIM Standards
Delhomme, Rémy
Development of a New IEC Standard for HDL-Programmed Devices Performing Category B or C Functions
Denning, R.
Operational Performance Risk Assessment in Support of a Supervisory Control System
Derenthal IV, Frederick E.
Virtualized Hardware Environments for Supporting Digital I&C Verification
Derouin, Aaron
Enhancing Workload Assessments for Validation Activities Associated with DBA and BDBA Scenarios
Desaulniers, David R.
An Overview of IEEE Human Factors Standard Development Activities—2017
Desgeorge, R.
Diao, Xiaoxu
Diaz, A. A.
Assessment of Sensor Technologies for Advanced Reactors
Dib, Gerges
Integration and Assessment of Component Health Prognostics in Supervisory Control Systems
Dittman, Bernard
Djouadi, Seddik
A Novel Technique Applying Spectral Estimation to Johnson Noise Thermometry
Dobie, Gordon
Data-Driven Analysis of Ultrasonic Pressure Tubes Inspection Data
An Expert-Systems Approach to Automatically Determining Flaw Depth within CANDU Pressure Tubes
A New Probe Concept for Internal Pipework Inspection
Doettl, Steven M.
Integrating Human Factors Issues into Critical Portable Detection Usage
Dong, Zhe
Model-Free Adaptive Control for MHTGR-Based Nuclear Steam Supply Systems
Multi-Modular Coordination Control of HTR-PM600 Plant
An Operation Verification Strategy Against Network Attack of DCS in Nuclear Power Plant
Doster, J. Michael
Control Strategies for Coupling Thermal Energy Storage Systems with Small Modular Reactors
Dowla, Farid
Drake, Micah
Qualified Display System Architecture
DuBoise, Franklin H.
Integrating Human Factors Issues into Critical Portable Detection Usage
Duckworth, Robert C.
Dudenhoeffer, Donald D.
Computer Security for I&C Systems at Nuclear Facilities
Duthou, Arnaud
Computer Security Approach for Rolls-Royce SPINLINE® Safety Platform
Comparative Requirements, Stakes and Deployment for 2 Ongoing Major I&C Modernization Projects
Duzhy, Vyacheslav
Diversity for Safety and Security of NPP I&C: Post NUREG/CR 7007 Stage
Dworzanski, Pawel
Augmented Reality System for Remote Operation
Eisinger, Asriel
Optimized Application of Regulatory Human Factors Engineering Guidelines
Training and Certification of Human Organizational Factors Designers in Nuclear Plant Engineering
Eitrheim, M. H. R.
Computer-Based Human-Machine Interfaces for Emergency Operation
Elks, Carl R.
Virtualized Hardware Environments for Supporting Digital I&C Verification
Toward Biologically Inspired Self Healing Digital Embedded Devices: BIO-SymPle)
Eom, Heung Seop
Erickson, Phillip A.
Ericson, Nance
A Novel Technique Applying Spectral Estimation to Johnson Noise Thermometry
Erinc, John
Common Cause Failure (CCF): A Path to Quantitative Success
Ezell, N. Dianne Bull
A Novel Technique Applying Spectral Estimation to Johnson Noise Thermometry
Fabbro, H.
Farber, Jacob A.
Real-Time Supervisory Control Implementation of SmAHTR Power Plant
Fedorov, V. A.
Test Facility for Fission Chamber Assemblies
Equipment for Subcriticality Monitoring by Pulse Method
Wide-Range Fission Chambers Signal Simulator
Feng, Yan
Fernandes, A.
Computer-Based Human-Machine Interfaces for Emergency Operation
Fernandez, Sara
Operating Displays—New Concept: High Performance Displays
Computerized Procedure Systems: Procedure Edition and Maintenance Challenges
Application of HFE to the Design and V&V of a Computerized Procedure System: Benefits and Challenges
Integrated Emergency Control Board Including Design Extended Conditions for Krško NPP
Ferreria, Emily
Fifield, Leonard S.
Fink, Thomas
Flamand, Ryan
A Human Automation Interaction Concept for a Small Modular Reactor Control Room
Fleger, Stephen
Effects of Adaptive Automation on Operator-System Performance
Development of NUREG-0700, Rev 3
An Overview of IEEE Human Factors Standard Development Activities—2017
Floyd, D.
Investigation of Instrumentation Containing an Embedded Digital Device
Flynn, Brian
A Business Case for Nuclear Plant Control Room Modernization
Fotouhi, Mohammadbagher
Virtualized Hardware Environments for Supporting Digital I&C Verification
Fox, C. M.
Online Monitoring of Rod Control Systems in Combustion Engineering Pressurized Water Reactors
France, Daniel J.
Design Themes for Future Hybrid Nuclear Power Plant Control Rooms
France, Jacqueline M.
Integrating Human Factors Issues into Critical Portable Detection Usage
Frick, Konor
Control Strategies for Coupling Thermal Energy Storage Systems with Small Modular Reactors
Fuentes, Alberto
A New APDS Approach—Alarm Processing Based on Alarm Prioritization
Fugate, David L.
Control Systems for a Dynamic Multi-Physics Model of a Nuclear Hybrid Energy System
Gachagan, A.
Data-Driven Analysis of Ultrasonic Pressure Tubes Inspection Data
An Expert-Systems Approach to Automatically Determining Flaw Depth within CANDU Pressure Tubes
Gagnon, Bernard
Early Implementation of Digital Upgrades on Simulators
Gagnon, Vincent
Early Implementation of Digital Upgrades on Simulators
Gao, Xiong
Improving the Cross Correlation Method of Indirect Flow Measurement by Water Injection and Modeling
Garcia, Ismael L.
Spurious Actuations in Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems—Evaluation Framework
García, Ricardo
Gates, J. R.
Online Monitoring of Rod Control Systems in Combustion Engineering Pressurized Water Reactors
Gaussa, Louis W.
Electric Actuator Modification on a Turbine Driven Feedpump at Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant
Gautham, Smitha
George, Sam
Safety Demonstration of a Class 1 Smart Device
V&V Techniques for FPGA-Based I&C Systems—How They Compare with Techniques for Microprocessors?
Gibson, Matt
Risk Informed Cyber Security for Nuclear Power Plants
Gillis, Charlene
Glass III, William
Gleason, James F.
Gleason, Patrick
Goffin, P.
Good, Curtis
Industry Analytics to Optimize Time Based Maintenance for I&C Components
Gopalsami, S.
Assessment of Sensor Technologies for Advanced Reactors
Greenwood, M. Scott
Control Systems for a Dynamic Multi-Physics Model of a Nuclear Hybrid Energy System
Grelle, A.
Computerized Operator Support System and Human Performance in the Control Room
Gribok, Andrei V.
Assessment of Dynamic PRA Techniques with Industry-Average Component Performance Data
Grigsby, Michael
A Business Case for Nuclear Plant Control Room Modernization
Gross, Kenny C.
Behavior-Based Approach to Misuse Detection of a Simulated SCADA System
Guerra, Sofia
Security-Informed Safety: Integrating Security within the Safety Demonstration of a Smart Device
Safety Demonstration of a Class 1 Smart Device
V&V Techniques for FPGA-Based I&C Systems—How They Compare with Techniques for Microprocessors?
Guler, A.
Operational Performance Risk Assessment in Support of a Supervisory Control System
Guo, Chao
Feature Selection based on PCA and the Transient Identification in Nuclear Power Plants
An Operation Verification Strategy Against Network Attack of DCS in Nuclear Power Plant
Guo, Liangzhuang
On-Line Monitoring Turbine Bypass System Based on Real-Time Simulation
Gwynne, John
Development of the Delphi Display Concept for Alternative Explanations Decision Making Support
Ha, Jun Su
Eye Tracking Studies based on Attentional-Resource Effectiveness
Hamadi, Rachid
Modelling I&C Systems with Relays for Simulation, Adapting CIM Standards
Harmon, G. R.
Identification and Repair of Intermittent Cable Faults in Nuclear Power Plants
Harmon, Gary
Harris, Craig
Harris, Jonathan
Workload Response to Soft Controls Presented on Two Interfaces
Hartikainen, Markus
Practical Applications of Model Checking in the Finnish Nuclear Industry
Harvey, Keith A.
Qualified Display System Architecture
Hashemian, A. H.
Investigation of Instrumentation Containing an Embedded Digital Device
Development of Thermal Transit Flow Measurement for Small Modular Reactors
Emerging and Existing Sensing Technologies for Small Modular Reactors and Advanced Reactors
Hashemian, H. M.
Emerging and Existing Sensing Technologies for Small Modular Reactors and Advanced Reactors
Online Monitoring of Rod Control Systems in Combustion Engineering Pressurized Water Reactors
Investigation of Instrumentation Containing an Embedded Digital Device
Hatherall, J. S.
Reactor Operator-in-the-Loop Dynamic Modelling
Hausladen, P. A.
Classification and Imaging of Spent Nuclear Fuel Dry Casks Using Cosmic Ray Muons
Headrick, Bradley
Electromagnetic Compatibility Qualification of Power Electronics for I&C Power Applications
Hefler, John W.
Heifetz, A.
Assessment of Sensor Technologies for Advanced Reactors
Heigl, R. J.
Complexity and Error Potential of Digital I&C
Hendrickson, Stacey M.
Enhancing Power Plant Safety through Simulated Cyber Events
Heo, Gyunyoung
Methodology on Cyber Security Evaluation in Nuclear Facilities Considering I&C Architecture
Heo, Gyunyoung
Development of a Transient Signal Validation Technique via a Modified Kernel Regression Model
Hernandez, John
Human Factors and Modeling Methods in the Development of Control Room Modernization Concepts
Migration to a Fully-Integrated Control Room
A Business Case for Nuclear Plant Control Room Modernization
Higgins, James
Effects of Adaptive Automation on Operator-System Performance
Higgins, James
Development of NUREG-0700, Rev 3
Hill, Rachel
A Human Automation Interaction Concept for a Small Modular Reactor Control Room
A Summary Comparison of Design Evaluation Techniques
Hines, Alexander C.
Improving the Cross Correlation Method of Indirect Flow Measurement by Water Injection and Modeling
Hines, J. Wesley
Primary Coolant Flow Measurement for Integral Pressurized Water Reactors Using Ultrasonic Technique
Improving the Cross Correlation Method of Indirect Flow Measurement by Water Injection and Modeling
Identifying Requisite Changes to Support Modern Maintenance Practices
Behavior-Based Approach to Misuse Detection of a Simulated SCADA System
Hintzy, Anne-Sophie
Modelling I&C Systems with Relays for Simulation, Adapting CIM Standards
Hirt, E. H.
Assessment of Sensor Technologies for Advanced Reactors
Hite, Richard
Ho, Dan
Qualified Display System Architecture
Holbert, Keith E.
Simulation and Control of a Passively Cooled Small Modular Reactor
Holcomb, David
A Novel Technique Applying Spectral Estimation to Johnson Noise Thermometry
Hone, Lance
Upcoming Irradiation of Ultrasonic and Fiber Optic Sensors in the MITR
Hooten, David
IEEE Std. 1012 and NEI 96-07, Appendix D—Strange Bedfellows?
Howard, Michael
Huang, Xiaojin
Multi-Modular Coordination Control of HTR-PM600 Plant
An Operation Verification Strategy Against Network Attack of DCS in Nuclear Power Plant
Huang, Yao-Hsien
Design and Implementation of Wearable Devices in Machine Tools Monitoring System
Hughes, Niav
Workload Response to Soft Controls Presented on Two Interfaces
Hugo, Jacques V.
Human Factors Principles in Information Dashboard Design
Human Factors and Modeling Methods in the Development of Control Room Modernization Concepts
Hunter, Thomas
Qualified Display System Architecture
Ibrahim, Taha
Illare, Jack
Upcoming Irradiation of Ultrasonic and Fiber Optic Sensors in the MITR
Jackson, David N.
Jacobi, T.
Investigation of Instrumentation Containing an Embedded Digital Device
Jang, Inseok
Study on the Assessment Method for Human Error Probabilities in the Digitalized Main Control Room
Jarrell, J. J.
Classification and Imaging of Spent Nuclear Fuel Dry Casks Using Cosmic Ray Muons
Jarrett, Ron
Jeffries, Brien A.
Behavior-Based Approach to Misuse Detection of a Simulated SCADA System
Jeong, Seungkweon
Development and Application of FPGA-Based Logic Controller
Ji, Shi
Study on Main Control Room and Human-System Interface of Generation III in China
Jimenez, Miriam
Joe, J.
Joe, Jeffrey C.
A Human Factors Engineering Meta Model for U.S. Nuclear Power Plant Control Room Modernization
Johnson, Gary L.
Instrumentation, Control, and Human System Interface Contributions to Historical Severe Accidents
Johnstone, Patti M.
Integrating Human Factors Issues into Critical Portable Detection Usage
Jopen, Manuela
Development of a Systematic Approach for the Safety Analysis of PLD based Equipment of I&C Systems
Juan, Iván
Improving Plant Efficiency through the Installation of TecSOLCEP Online Monitoring System
Jung, Won Dae
Risk Assessment of Safety-Critical Data Communication in Digital Safety Feature Control System
Jung, Wondea
Procedure Design of F&B Operation and Its Impact on the Risk of a Nuclear Power Plant
Design and Implementation of HuREX Analysis Supporting Interface
The Effect of Support Functions in a Computerized Procedure System on Interface Management Tasks
Test Based Reliability Assessment Method for a Safety Critical Software in Reactor Protection System
Kai, You
The Study on Overall I&C System Scheme for Floating Nuclear Power Plant ACP100S and ACP25S
Kalbarczyk, Zbigniew
Kalo, Marc
Safety Software Release Options to Support Plant Start-Up and Commissioning Activities
Kang, Hyun Gook
Risk Assessment of Safety-Critical Data Communication in Digital Safety Feature Control System
Development of Cyber Security Test Scenario for Non-Safety Display System
Kang, Seongkeun
Eye Tracking Studies based on Attentional-Resource Effectiveness
Karpati, Peter
Demonstrating and Argumenting Safety of I&C Systems—Challenges and Recent Experiences
Kashchuk, Yu. A.
Test Facility for Fission Chamber Assemblies
Katta, Vikash
Demonstrating and Argumenting Safety of I&C Systems—Challenges and Recent Experiences
Kawashima, Ryuta
Khairullah, Shawkat
Toward Biologically Inspired Self Healing Digital Embedded Devices: BIO-SymPle)
Kharchenko, Vyacheslav
Diversity for Safety and Security of NPP I&C: Post NUREG/CR 7007 Stage
Certification of RadICS FPGA-Based Platform under U.S. NRC Requirements
Ki, DaBin
Effects of Adaptive Automation on Operator-System Performance
Kidder, Michelle K.
Kiger, Chad J.
Electromagnetic Compatibility Qualification of Power Electronics for I&C Power Applications
Kim, Ar Ryum
Study on the Assessment Method for Human Error Probabilities in the Digitalized Main Control Room
Kim, Chang Hwoi
Radiation Hardened Successive-Approximation ADC with Error Detection Circuits
Kim, Chang-Hwoi
An Automatic Input/Output Test Experience of FPGA based Logic Controller with I/O Stimulator
Kim, Hee Eun
Development of Cyber Security Test Scenario for Non-Safety Display System
Kim, Hyeonmin
Data Analysis for Valve Leak Detection of Nuclear Power Plant Safety Critical Components
Kim, Hyung Jun
The Effect of Support Functions in a Computerized Procedure System on Interface Management Tasks
Kim, Jang-Yeol
An Automatic Input/Output Test Experience of FPGA based Logic Controller with I/O Stimulator
Kim, Ji Tae
Study on the Assessment Method for Human Error Probabilities in the Digitalized Main Control Room
Kim, Jonghyun
Development of Cyber Security Test Scenario for Non-Safety Display System
Kim, Joohee
Augmented Reality System for Remote Operation
Kim, Jung-Taek
Data Analysis for Valve Leak Detection of Nuclear Power Plant Safety Critical Components
Kim, Seunghwan
Design and Implementation of HuREX Analysis Supporting Interface
Kim, Woogoon
Kim, Yochan
Design and Implementation of HuREX Analysis Supporting Interface
Kisner, Roger A.
Assessment of Sensor Technologies for Advanced Reactors
Design and Analysis of Embedded I&C for Loop-Scale Magnetically Suspended Pump
Koo, Young Do
Identification of NPP Transients Using Artificial Intelligence
Korsah, Kofi
Assessment of Sensor Technologies for Advanced Reactors
Assessment of Sensor Technologies for Advanced Reactors
Assessment of Sensor Technologies for Advanced Reactors
Assessment of Sensor Technologies for Advanced Reactors
Koskinen, Hanna
Systems Usability Case in Stepwise Control Room Validation
Use of Immersive 3D Virtual Reality Environments in Control Room Validations
Kovalenko, Andriy
Certification of RadICS FPGA-Based Platform under U.S. NRC Requirements
Kovesdi, C.
Krause, Wolfgang
Optimized Application of Regulatory Human Factors Engineering Guidelines
Training and Certification of Human Organizational Factors Designers in Nuclear Plant Engineering
Kudryavtsev, A. V.
Equipment for Subcriticality Monitoring by Pulse Method
Kuroda, Hidehiko
Kuula, T.
Kwon, Inyong
Radiation Hardened Successive-Approximation ADC with Error Detection Circuits
Kwon, Kee-Choon
An Automatic Input/Output Test Experience of FPGA based Logic Controller with I/O Stimulator
Laarni, Jari
Systems Usability Case in Stepwise Control Room Validation
Use of Immersive 3D Virtual Reality Environments in Control Room Validations
Laffont, Guillaume
Upcoming Irradiation of Ultrasonic and Fiber Optic Sensors in the MITR
Lamb, Christopher C.
Dynamic Attack Surfaces in Nuclear Power Plants
Lambdin, Tom
Migration to a Fully-Integrated Control Room
Lambert, Brandon
Determining Appropriate Data Analytics for Transformer Health Monitoring
Lang, Glenn E.
Qualified Display System Architecture
Lardner, T.
Data-Driven Analysis of Ultrasonic Pressure Tubes Inspection Data
An Expert-Systems Approach to Automatically Determining Flaw Depth within CANDU Pressure Tubes
Lasierra, Javier
BWR Modernization Project: Installation of a New Digital Feedwater Control System
Lau, Nathan
Ontology to Guide Scenario Design to Evaluate New Technologies for Control Room Modernization
Law, Kristofer
3D Advanced Gas-Cooled Nuclear Reactor Fuel Channel Reconstruction using Structure-from-Motion
Lawrie, Sean
A Business Case for Nuclear Plant Control Room Modernization
Le Blanc, Katya L.
Design Themes for Future Hybrid Nuclear Power Plant Control Rooms
A Human Automation Interaction Concept for a Small Modular Reactor Control Room
Lee, Dong-Young
An Automatic Input/Output Test Experience of FPGA based Logic Controller with I/O Stimulator
Lee, Jang-Soo
An Automatic Input/Output Test Experience of FPGA based Logic Controller with I/O Stimulator
Lee, Jeen-Yee
DCIS Integration Tests for Lungmen Nuclear Power Plant
Lee, Sang Hun
Risk Assessment of Safety-Critical Data Communication in Digital Safety Feature Control System
Lee, Seung Jun
Probabilistic Risk Evaluation of Cyber-Attacks on a Nuclear Power Plant Safety
The Effect of Support Functions in a Computerized Procedure System on Interface Management Tasks
Test Based Reliability Assessment Method for a Safety Critical Software in Reactor Protection System
Lee, Yongseok
Radiation Hardened Successive-Approximation ADC with Error Detection Circuits
Lee, Yoonhee
Development and Application of FPGA-Based Logic Controller
Leicher, Steve
Safety Software Release Options to Support Plant Start-Up and Commissioning Activities
Lemattre, Thibault
Model-Based Verification of I&C Specifications
Leontiiev, Kostyantyn
Diversity for Safety and Security of NPP I&C: Post NUREG/CR 7007 Stage
Lerchen, M.
Robust Online Monitoring for Calibration Assessment of Transmitters and Instrumentation
Lerchen, Megan
Virtual Sensors for Robust On-Line Monitoring (OLM) and Diagnostics
Lew, R.
Ensuring Operator Reliability in Digital Control Rooms
Computerized Operator Support System and Human Performance in the Control Room
Li, Boyuan
Extension of Mutation Testing for the Requirements and Design Faults
Li, Huijuan
Li, Jianghai
An Operation Verification Strategy Against Network Attack of DCS in Nuclear Power Plant
Li, Ming
Li, Wei
On-Line Monitoring Turbine Bypass System Based on Real-Time Simulation
Fault Diagnosis and Severity Estimation in Nuclear Power Plants
Condition Monitoring and False Alarm Reducing of Sensors in NPP
Li, Xiang
Li, Zhonghai
The Human Factors Verification at Plant Startup for the AP1000 Plant
Liinasuo, Marja
Systems Usability Case in Stepwise Control Room Validation
Liming, James K.
Lin, Jiin-Ming
DCIS Integration Tests for Lungmen Nuclear Power Plant
Lindner, A.
Complexity and Error Potential of Digital I&C
Linnosmaa, Joonas
Demonstrating and Argumenting Safety of I&C Systems—Challenges and Recent Experiences
Lish, Matthew R.
Primary Coolant Flow Measurement for Integral Pressurized Water Reactors Using Ultrasonic Technique
Liu, Jianwei
Liu, Yongkuo
Fault Diagnosis and Severity Estimation in Nuclear Power Plants
Condition Monitoring and False Alarm Reducing of Sensors in NPP
Long-tao, Liao
The Study on Overall I&C System Scheme for Floating Nuclear Power Plant ACP100S and ACP25S
Lorenzi, Stefano
Reduced Order Methods for the Improvement of Control-Oriented Modelling of Nuclear Power Plants
Lowe, Chris L.
Lu, Baofu
Luo, Jia
Augmented Reality System for Remote Operation
Luzzi, Lelio
Reduced Order Methods for the Improvement of Control-Oriented Modelling of Nuclear Power Plants
Lv, Junhong
Lynch, Chris
3D Advanced Gas-Cooled Nuclear Reactor Fuel Channel Reconstruction using Structure-from-Motion
Ma, Gang
A Novel Priority Selection System for Nuclear Power Plant
MacDavid, Samuel J.
Managing Systematic Errors in the NBSR Thermal Power Calorimetric Measurements
Macleod, Charles
A New Probe Concept for Internal Pipework Inspection
Mahadevan, Sankaran
Concrete Structural Health Monitoring in Nuclear Power Plants
Margaryan, Alfred
Upcoming Irradiation of Ultrasonic and Fiber Optic Sensors in the MITR
Margaryan, Ashot
Upcoming Irradiation of Ultrasonic and Fiber Optic Sensors in the MITR
Marquino, Wayne
Marshall, Stephen
A New Probe Concept for Internal Pipework Inspection
Martazov, E. S.
Test Facility for Fission Chamber Assemblies
Equipment for Subcriticality Monitoring by Pulse Method
Martin, F. Javier González Mariano
Improving Plant Efficiency through the Installation of TecSOLCEP Online Monitoring System
Martinez, Marta
A Structured Data Model Frame for Human Factors Application
Mathur, Neha
A New Probe Concept for Internal Pipework Inspection
Mauck, Jerry
Addressing Embedded Digital Devices in Safety-Related Systems of Nuclear Power Plants
McArthur, Stephen D. J.
Determining Appropriate Data Analytics for Transformer Health Monitoring
McCarter, D. E.
Online Monitoring of Rod Control Systems in Combustion Engineering Pressurized Water Reactors
McConkey, J. B.
Identification and Repair of Intermittent Cable Faults in Nuclear Power Plants
McCrory, F. Mitch
McGhee, Meredith
Integrating Human Factors Issues into Critical Portable Detection Usage
McGregor, Douglas
Enhanced Micro-Pocket Fission Detector for High Temperature Reactor Evaluations
McLerran, John
A Human Automation Interaction Concept for a Small Modular Reactor Control Room
McMurrer, Brooke A.
Primary Coolant Flow Measurement for Integral Pressurized Water Reactors Using Ultrasonic Technique
Melin, Alexander M.
Design and Analysis of Embedded I&C for Loop-Scale Magnetically Suspended Pump
Melson, Kirklyn
Miller, Laurence F.
Integrating Human Factors Issues into Critical Portable Detection Usage
Mineo, Carmelo
A New Probe Concept for Internal Pipework Inspection
Misenheimer, Corey T.
Monteil, Pierre
Computer Security Approach for Rolls-Royce SPINLINE® Safety Platform
Moore, Jason
Mortellaro, Andrew
Morton, G. W.
Online Monitoring of Rod Control Systems in Combustion Engineering Pressurized Water Reactors
Mott, Kenneth
Moyano, Nicolás
Integrated Emergency Control Board Including Design Extended Conditions for Krško NPP
Mueller, Christian
Methodological Approach to the Sensitivity Analysis of Failure Effects in Modern Digital I&C Systems
Muhlheim, Michael
Operational Performance Risk Assessment in Support of a Supervisory Control System
Murray, Paul
3D Advanced Gas-Cooled Nuclear Reactor Fuel Channel Reconstruction using Structure-from-Motion
Na, Man Gyun
Estimation of LOCA Break Size Using Cascaded Support Vector Regression
Identification of NPP Transients Using Artificial Intelligence
Nair, A.
Robust Online Monitoring for Calibration Assessment of Transmitters and Instrumentation
Nair, Anjali M.
Bayesian Inference for High Confidence Signal Validation and Sensor Calibration Assessment
Naito, Susumu
Nasiakou, Antonia
Development of Human Machine Interface (HMI) for Digital Control Rooms in Nuclear Power Plants
Neal, Kyle D.
Concrete Structural Health Monitoring in Nuclear Power Plants
Nekoogar, Faranak
Netkachova, Kate
Security-Informed Safety: Integrating Security within the Safety Demonstration of a Smart Device
Neyret, Maxime
Model-Based Verification of I&C Specifications
Ngo, Cam
Nicholson, Krista
Optimization of Human Factors Methods within the Design Cycle
Niedermuller, Joe
A Business Case for Nuclear Plant Control Room Modernization
No, Young Gyu
Verification of Severe Accident Management Guideline (SAmG) Entry Condition for OPR1000
Norros, Leena
Systems Usability Case in Stepwise Control Room Validation
Nuutinen, Pekka
Advanced Licensing and Safety Engineering Method—ADLAS™
O’Hagan, Ryan
O’Hara, John
Effects of Adaptive Automation on Operator-System Performance
Development of NUREG-0700, Rev 3
Oberholzer, Chris
How Systems Engineering and Human Factors Can Assist SMR Vendors with the Licensing Process
Obudovskii, S. Yu.
Test Facility for Fission Chamber Assemblies
Ortega, Fernando
Operating Displays—New Concept: High Performance Displays
A Structured Data Model Frame for Human Factors Application
A New APDS Approach—Alarm Processing Based on Alarm Prioritization
Computerized Procedure Systems: Procedure Edition and Maintenance Challenges
Application of HFE to the Design and V&V of a Computerized Procedure System: Benefits and Challenges
Integrated Emergency Control Board Including Design Extended Conditions for Krško NPP
Ourghanlian, Alain
Implementing a Control Application on FPGA Platform
Oxstrand, Johanna
Implementing Computer-Based Procedures: Thinking Outside the Paper Margins
\Automated Work Package: Capabilities of the Future
Providing Plant Data Analytics Through a Seamless Digital Environment
Pakonen, Antti
Practical Applications of Model Checking in the Finnish Nuclear Industry
Palaric, Jean-Michael
Comparative Requirements, Stakes and Deployment for 2 Ongoing Major I&C Modernization Projects
Park, Jinkyun
Design and Implementation of HuREX Analysis Supporting Interface
Park, Ji-Yeon
An Automatic Input/Output Test Experience of FPGA based Logic Controller with I/O Stimulator
Park, Jong Woo
Probabilistic Risk Evaluation of Cyber-Attacks on a Nuclear Power Plant Safety
Park, Wan Man
Data Analysis for Valve Leak Detection of Nuclear Power Plant Safety Critical Components
Park, Y.
Assessment of Sensor Technologies for Advanced Reactors
Park, Young Soo
Augmented Reality System for Remote Operation
Implementation of New PRODIAG Algorithm and Simulation-Based Acceptance Test
Parrado, Isabel
Operating Displays—New Concept: High Performance Displays
Paryshkin, Yu. A.
Test Facility for Fission Chamber Assemblies
Equipment for Subcriticality Monitoring by Pulse Method
Wide-Range Fission Chambers Signal Simulator
Pasko, Timothy J.
Electric Actuator Modification on a Turbine Driven Feedpump at Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant
Passerini, S.
Overview of Simulation and Control Tools for Extended Operability of Nuclear Reactors
Patterson, Scott B.
Pearse, Brandon
A Human Automation Interaction Concept for a Small Modular Reactor Control Room
Pelletier, Stéphanie
Peng, Minjun
Fault Diagnosis and Severity Estimation in Nuclear Power Plants
On-Line Monitoring Turbine Bypass System Based on Real-Time Simulation
Condition Monitoring and False Alarm Reducing of Sensors in NPP
Condition Monitoring and False Alarm Reducing of Sensors in NPP
Pereira, Gavin
Determining Appropriate Data Analytics for Transformer Health Monitoring
Peres, J. C.
Peschke, Joerg
Methodological Approach to the Sensitivity Analysis of Failure Effects in Modern Digital I&C Systems
Pfledderer, Craig
Qualified Display System Architecture
Phyland, Jessica
Optimization of Human Factors Methods within the Design Cycle
Pickel, Jason G.
Real-Time Fault Detection and Transient Identification Using Extended Kalman Filters
Pierce, Gareth
A New Probe Concept for Internal Pipework Inspection
Pietre-Cambacedes, Ludovic
Development of a New IEC Standard for HDL-Programmed Devices Performing Category B or C Functions
Pihlanko, Mikko
Practical Applications of Model Checking in the Finnish Nuclear Industry
Piljugin, Ewgenij
Methodological Approach to the Sensitivity Analysis of Failure Effects in Modern Digital I&C Systems
Development of a Systematic Approach for the Safety Analysis of PLD based Equipment of I&C Systems
Pirat, Patrick
Pizel, Jérôme
Implementing a Control Application on FPGA Platform
Ponciroli, R.
Overview of Simulation and Control Tools for Extended Operability of Nuclear Reactors
Pruttianan, Arisa
Ontology to Guide Scenario Design to Evaluate New Technologies for Control Room Modernization
Purvis, J. Scott
Computer Security for I&C Systems at Nuclear Facilities
Qi, Kelin
A Novel Priority Selection System for Nuclear Power Plant
Qi, Shi
Qianzhong, Liu
Study on Main Control Room and Human-System Interface of Generation III in China
Quester, Claudia
Development of a Systematic Approach for the Safety Analysis of PLD based Equipment of I&C Systems
Quinn, Edward L.
Quinn, Edward L.
Addressing Embedded Digital Devices in Safety-Related Systems of Nuclear Power Plants
Rahn, David
Ramos, Mateo
BWR Modernization Project: Installation of a New Digital Feedwater Control System
Improving Plant Efficiency through the Installation of TecSOLCEP Online Monitoring System
Ramuhalli, Pradeep
Robust Online Monitoring for Calibration Assessment of Transmitters and Instrumentation
Virtual Sensors for Robust On-Line Monitoring (OLM) and Diagnostics
Assessment of Sensor Technologies for Advanced Reactors
Integration and Assessment of Component Health Prognostics in Supervisory Control Systems
Rantakaulio, Antti
Test Case Selection Procedure for Simulation-Assisted Automation Testing
Advanced Licensing and Safety Engineering Method—ADLAS™
Reboul-Salze, Cécile
Modelling I&C Systems with Relays for Simulation, Adapting CIM Standards
Redden, Sr., Daniel
Reed, Julie I.
The Human Factors Verification at Plant Startup for the AP1000 Plant
Reichenberger, Michael
Enhanced Micro-Pocket Fission Detector for High Temperature Reactor Evaluations
Reinerman-Jones, Lauren
Workload Response to Soft Controls Presented on Two Interfaces
Rejas, Luis
Operating Displays—New Concept: High Performance Displays
Integrated Emergency Control Board Including Design Extended Conditions for Krško NPP
Rice, Brandon
Technical Constraints to Conducting Operator Studies in a Reconfigurable Control Room Simulator
Rich, J. T.
Richards, Lori
Safety Software Release Options to Support Plant Start-Up and Commissioning Activities
Riggsbee, E. T.
Development of Thermal Transit Flow Measurement for Small Modular Reactors
Roberts, M. J.
A Novel Technique Applying Spectral Estimation to Johnson Noise Thermometry
Robin, Gaëtan
Model-Based Verification of I&C Specifications
Rowland, Michael T.
Computer Security for I&C Systems at Nuclear Facilities
Roy, Surajit
Integration and Assessment of Component Health Prognostics in Supervisory Control Systems
Rozza, Gianluigi
Reduced Order Methods for the Improvement of Control-Oriented Modelling of Nuclear Power Plants
Rudge, Anna
Ryan, K. M.
Identification and Repair of Intermittent Cable Faults in Nuclear Power Plants
Şahin, Dağistan
Cyber Security Using Multi-Threaded Architecture Data Diode at the NBSR
Managing Systematic Errors in the NBSR Thermal Power Calorimetric Measurements
NBSR Reactor Control Room Upgrade
Salway, Alice
Enhancing Workload Assessments for Validation Activities Associated with DBA and BDBA Scenarios
San Diego, Kristianne
Optimization of Human Factors Methods within the Design Cycle
Savioja, Paula
Systems Usability Case in Stepwise Control Room Validation
Scaglione, J. M.
Classification and Imaging of Spent Nuclear Fuel Dry Casks Using Cosmic Ray Muons
Scarola, Ken
Migration to a Fully-Integrated Control Room
Schrader, Kenneth J.
Seaman, Steve
Common Cause Failure (CCF): A Path to Quantitative Success
Selyaev, N. A.
Test Facility for Fission Chamber Assemblies
Wide-Range Fission Chambers Signal Simulator
Seo, Sang Mun
Seong, Poong Hyun
Eye Tracking Studies based on Attentional-Resource Effectiveness
Verification of Severe Accident Management Guideline (SAmG) Entry Condition for OPR1000
Study on the Assessment Method for Human Error Probabilities in the Digitalized Main Control Room
Sexton, Casey
Sheen, S.
Assessment of Sensor Technologies for Advanced Reactors
Shi, Qingwei
A Novel Priority Selection System for Nuclear Power Plant
Shiba, Hiroki
Shin, Jinsoo
Methodology on Cyber Security Evaluation in Nuclear Facilities Considering I&C Architecture
Shin, Seung Ki
Shin, Sung Min
Test Based Reliability Assessment Method for a Safety Critical Software in Reactor Protection System
Shirai, Fumiyasu
Shumaker, Brent D.
Investigation of Instrumentation Containing an Embedded Digital Device
Robust Online Monitoring for Calibration Assessment of Transmitters and Instrumentation
Development of Thermal Transit Flow Measurement for Small Modular Reactors
Siora, Olexandr
Certification of RadICS FPGA-Based Platform under U.S. NRC Requirements
Sipola, Satu
Advanced Licensing and Safety Engineering Method—ADLAS™
Skifton, Richard S.
Slay III, Lorenzo
Human Factors and Modeling Methods in the Development of Control Room Modernization Concepts
Smidts, Carol
Task Allocation in Geo-Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems
Extension of Mutation Testing for the Requirements and Design Faults
Smith, Curtis L.
Assessment of Dynamic PRA Techniques with Industry-Average Component Performance Data
Smith, Michael
Improving Nuclear Power Plant Safety and Operating Margins through Linear Quadratic Estimation
Snuggerud, Ross
A Human Automation Interaction Concept for a Small Modular Reactor Control Room
Sohn, Sedo
Development and Application of FPGA-Based Logic Controller
Sollima, Calogero
Solstad, Steinar
Sommer, Dagmar
Methodological Approach to the Sensitivity Analysis of Failure Effects in Modern Digital I&C Systems
Son, Han Seong
Son, Hanseong
Methodology on Cyber Security Evaluation in Nuclear Facilities Considering I&C Architecture
Son, Han-Seong
Development of Cyber Security Test Scenario for Non-Safety Display System
Son, Kwang Seop
Risk Assessment of Safety-Critical Data Communication in Digital Safety Feature Control System
Song, Fei
Developing a Human Factors Toolkit to Cope with Multi-Project Situation
Song, Maoxuan
Multi-Modular Coordination Control of HTR-PM600 Plant
Spielman, Zachary
A Human Automation Interaction Concept for a Small Modular Reactor Control Room
A Summary Comparison of Design Evaluation Techniques
St. Germain, Shawn
Utilizing the SACADA System to Collect Simulator Training Data to Inform Human Reliability Analyses
Human Factors Principles in Information Dashboard Design
St. John, Mark F.
Development of the Delphi Display Concept for Alternative Explanations Decision Making Support
Stafford, Shawn C.
Stanford, Austin
Assessment of Sensor Technologies for Advanced Reactors
Stanley, Jerry M.
Safety Software Release Options to Support Plant Start-Up and Commissioning Activities
Stevenson, Sarah
Enhanced Micro-Pocket Fission Detector for High Temperature Reactor Evaluations
Stewart, Brian G.
Determining Appropriate Data Analytics for Transformer Health Monitoring
Stiffler, Dan
Industry Analytics to Optimize Time Based Maintenance for I&C Components
Strobhar, David
Unstated Assumptions in Alarm Management
Suh, Yong Suk
Summan, Rahul
A New Probe Concept for Internal Pipework Inspection
Sun, Peiwei
Control System Design for a Small Pressurized Water Reactor
Sun, Yeshuai
Supler, Richard
Svengren, H.
Computer-Based Human-Machine Interfaces for Emergency Operation
Szews, Heather
Tahvonen, Topi
Practical Applications of Model Checking in the Finnish Nuclear Industry
Takahashi, Makoto
Takakura, Kei
Tam, S. W.
Assessment of Sensor Technologies for Advanced Reactors
Tang, Lixue
Terry, Stephen
Thomas, Ken
Computerized Operator Support System and Human Performance in the Control Room
Migration to a Fully-Integrated Control Room
A Business Case for Nuclear Plant Control Room Modernization
Thuy, Nguyen
Tikkala, V.-M.
Test Case Selection Procedure for Simulation-Assisted Automation Testing
Tipireddy, R.
Robust Online Monitoring for Calibration Assessment of Transmitters and Instrumentation
Tipireddy, Ramakrishna
Virtual Sensors for Robust On-Line Monitoring (OLM) and Diagnostics
Toll, Trevor A.
Emerging and Existing Sensing Technologies for Small Modular Reactors and Advanced Reactors
Tommila, Teemu
Demonstrating and Argumenting Safety of I&C Systems—Challenges and Recent Experiences
Tomsovic, Kevin
Power Peaking with Small Modular Reactors to Support Deep Penetration of Renewable Energy Sources
Torok, R.
Graded Approach for Assessing Digital System Failure Susceptibilities
Tsai, Kevin
Enhanced Micro-Pocket Fission Detector for High Temperature Reactor Evaluations
Tsai, Yuan-Yu
Design and Implementation of Wearable Devices in Machine Tools Monitoring System
Tsoukalas, L. H.
Classification and Imaging of Spent Nuclear Fuel Dry Casks Using Cosmic Ray Muons
Turner, Phillip L.
Enhancing Power Plant Safety through Simulated Cyber Events
Risk Informed Cyber Security for Nuclear Power Plants
Tyler, S. N.
Development of Thermal Transit Flow Measurement for Small Modular Reactors
Ueda, Kazukiyo
Ulrich, T. A.
Computerized Operator Support System and Human Performance in the Control Room
Ensuring Operator Reliability in Digital Control Rooms
Unruh, Troy
Enhanced Micro-Pocket Fission Detector for High Temperature Reactor Evaluations
Upadhyaya, Belle R.
Primary Coolant Flow Measurement for Integral Pressurized Water Reactors Using Ultrasonic Technique
Improving the Cross Correlation Method of Indirect Flow Measurement by Water Injection and Modeling
Assessment of Sensor Technologies for Advanced Reactors
Valkonen, Janne
Demonstrating and Argumenting Safety of I&C Systems—Challenges and Recent Experiences
Vallés, Andrés
Computerized Procedure Systems: Procedure Edition and Maintenance Challenges
Varuttamaseni, Athi
Construction of a Cyber Attack Progression Model for Nuclear Power Plants
Venkatesh, Vidya
Vieira, Angela
Optimization of Human Factors Methods within the Design Cycle
Vilicka, Brian T.
Electric Actuator Modification on a Turbine Driven Feedpump at Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant
Vilim, Richard B.
Computerized Operator Support System and Human Performance in the Control Room
Overview of Simulation and Control Tools for Extended Operability of Nuclear Reactors
Implementation of New PRODIAG Algorithm and Simulation-Based Acceptance Test
Assessment of Sensor Technologies for Advanced Reactors
Villard, Jean Francois
Enhanced Micro-Pocket Fission Detector for High Temperature Reactor Evaluations
Upcoming Irradiation of Ultrasonic and Fiber Optic Sensors in the MITR
Vorobyev, V. A.
Test Facility for Fission Chamber Assemblies
Wahlström, M.
Walford, Graham V.
Integrating Human Factors Issues into Critical Portable Detection Usage
Walter, Thomas
Wang, Changhui
Wang, Dong
A Novel Priority Selection System for Nuclear Power Plant
Wang, Hang
On-Line Monitoring Turbine Bypass System Based on Real-Time Simulation
Fault Diagnosis and Severity Estimation in Nuclear Power Plants
Wang, Li
Power Control System Modification and Simulation of CPR1000
Wang, Qiuyu
Developing a Human Factors Toolkit to Cope with Multi-Project Situation
Wang, Shuo
A Novel Priority Selection System for Nuclear Power Plant
Wang, Xing
Weaver, Charles
Development of the Delphi Display Concept for Alternative Explanations Decision Making Support
Condition Monitoring and False Alarm Reducing of Sensors in NPP
Wei, Xinyu
Power Control System Modification and Simulation of CPR1000
Weinger, Matthew B.
Ontology to Guide Scenario Design to Evaluate New Technologies for Control Room Modernization
Design Themes for Future Hybrid Nuclear Power Plant Control Rooms
Weiss, Joseph
Implications of the 2015 and 2016 Ukrainian Electric Grid Cyber Attack to Nuclear Power Plants
Welz, Zach
Identifying Requisite Changes to Support Modern Maintenance Practices
Wen, Zhibin
Fault Diagnosis and Severity Estimation in Nuclear Power Plants
West, Graeme M.
Data-Driven Analysis of Ultrasonic Pressure Tubes Inspection Data
An Expert-Systems Approach to Automatically Determining Flaw Depth within CANDU Pressure Tubes
3D Advanced Gas-Cooled Nuclear Reactor Fuel Channel Reconstruction using Structure-from-Motion
A New Probe Concept for Internal Pipework Inspection
Whaley, Steve D.
Electric Actuator Modification on a Turbine Driven Feedpump at Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant
Wheeler, Timothy A.
Risk Informed Cyber Security for Nuclear Power Plants
Wigg, Alexander
Development of a New IEC Standard for HDL-Programmed Devices Performing Category B or C Functions
Williams, Eric
Wood, Richard
Investigation of Instrumentation Containing an Embedded Digital Device
Addressing Embedded Digital Devices in Safety-Related Systems of Nuclear Power Plants
A Novel Technique Applying Spectral Estimation to Johnson Noise Thermometry
Woods, Jacob
Electromagnetic Compatibility Qualification of Power Electronics for I&C Power Applications
Wootan, D. W.
Assessment of Sensor Technologies for Advanced Reactors
Wu, Maopu
Fault Diagnosis and Severity Estimation in Nuclear Power Plants
Wu, Zongxin
Multi-Modular Coordination Control of HTR-PM600 Plant
Wyatt, Roger D.
Xia, Hong
Fault Diagnosis and Severity Estimation in Nuclear Power Plants
Condition Monitoring and False Alarm Reducing of Sensors in NPP
Xu, Jie
Design Themes for Future Hybrid Nuclear Power Plant Control Rooms
Yadav, Vaibhav
Assessment of Dynamic PRA Techniques with Industry-Average Component Performance Data
Yang, Qingyu
Yang, Steve
Yang, Wankui
Frequency Spectrum Analysis Code for Nuclear Noise Based on Improved Wavelet Algorithm
Yang, Xu
On-Line Monitoring Turbine Bypass System Based on Real-Time Simulation
Yeom, Jung-Yeol
Radiation Hardened Successive-Approximation ADC with Error Detection Circuits
Yim, Hyeongsoon
Yoo, Kwae Hwan
Estimation of LOCA Break Size Using Cascaded Support Vector Regression
Yoshikawa, Hidekazu
Developmental Study of Advanced HIS Design Method for Digital I&C+HMIT of PWR Plant
Young, David M.
Youngblood, Robert
Construction of a Cyber Attack Progression Model for Nuclear Power Plants
Yu, Hui
Yu, Louis
Yu, Weifeng
Fault Diagnosis and Severity Estimation in Nuclear Power Plants
Yuan, Baoxin
Frequency Spectrum Analysis Code for Nuclear Noise Based on Improved Wavelet Algorithm
Yuan, Zhong
Developing a Human Factors Toolkit to Cope with Multi-Project Situation
Yue, Meng
Yue, Meng
Yun, Jaehee
Development and Application of FPGA-Based Logic Controller
Zacharis, P.
Data-Driven Analysis of Ultrasonic Pressure Tubes Inspection Data
Zarb, P. E.
Development of Thermal Transit Flow Measurement for Small Modular Reactors
Zeng, Herong
Frequency Spectrum Analysis Code for Nuclear Noise Based on Improved Wavelet Algorithm
Zhang, Fan
A Dynamic Model of Once Through Steam Generator (OTSG) for Prototypical Advanced Reactor
Zhang, Jianmin
Control System Design for a Small Pressurized Water Reactor
Zhang, Shuhui
Developing a Human Factors Toolkit to Cope with Multi-Project Situation
Zhang, Zuoyi
Multi-Modular Coordination Control of HTR-PM600 Plant
Zhao, Fuyu
Power Control System Modification and Simulation of CPR1000
Zhi, Chen
The Study on Overall I&C System Scheme for Floating Nuclear Power Plant ACP100S and ACP25S
Zhou, Shuqiao
Feature Selection based on PCA and the Transient Identification in Nuclear Power Plants